TISS Description

At the beginning of the 2013 academic year, CISA was delighted to announce new, formal ties with the Triangle Institute for Security Studies (TISS). TISS is a leading security studies consortium of the University of North Carolina (Chapel Hill), North Carolina State University, and Duke University.

TISS provides an unrivalled opportunity for CISA's Ft. Bragg students to enrich their learning by participating in a range of events held under the auspices of TISS. The consortium draws on a formidable network of resources to advance research and education in the field of national and international security studies, and Ft. Bragg students and faculty are excited to deepen the level of engagement they have with TISS. TISS provides an excellent opportunity for CISA faculty and students to enrich their experience at Ft. Bragg by encouraging rigorous academic debate through exposure to a range of research and opinion, and allowing students to connect and interact with a diverse network of academic experts and practitioners. Outstanding TISS students are also eligible to participate in the CISA symposium, held in May each academic year at Ft. Bragg.

CISA students will have the option of engaging with TISS through a new Enrichment Program that requires them to attend a minimum of three events per semester and provide written and oral reports on their participation. These events might include lectures and workshops, along with engagement in the various scenario exercises offered by TISS. Additionally, the CISA faculty is looking forward to participating in faculty workshops and socials to enrich their network with academics working in the security studies field. The CISA-TISS relationship is an exciting opportunity for students and faculty working in the field of security studies to broaden and deepen their research expertise, engage with practitioners and spearhead creative modes of learning for a talented set of students with diverse experiences. With these new ties comes a valuable partnership that should offer unrivalled opportunities for faculty and students alike.