Dr. Andrew Novo


ANDREW R. NOVO is a Professor of Strategic Studies at the National Defense University, Washington, D.C. An expert in ancient and modern European history and strategic studies, Dr. Novo also teaches for the Johns Hopkins University program in Global Security Studies and the Georgetown School of Foreign Service.

His most recent books are The EOKA Cause: Nationalism and the Failure of Cypriot Enosis (forthcoming 2021) and Restoring Thucydides: Testing familiar lessons and deriving new ones (2020) with Dr. Jay Parker.

A regular contributor to the D.C. think tank circuit, he has presented at the Brookings Institution, the Atlantic Council, the European Institute of the Mediterranean, and Policy Forum Armenia.

Dr. Novo lectures widely in Europe and the United States, including at the University of Oxford, NATO Defense College (Rome), the University of Torino (Turin), the University of Macedonia (Thessaloniki), the United States Military Academy, and the United States Naval Academy. His work includes special projects on international security and national strategy for the government of Georgia and the government of Greece, the Post Conflict Operations Study Centre of the Italian Army in Turin, the 28th Reggimento “Pavia” in Pesaro, and the Institut de Recherche Stratégique de l’Ecole Militaire in Paris.

Dr. Novo holds an A.B. in classical history from Princeton University and an M.Phil in international relations and a D.Phil in modern history from the University of Oxford. He speaks French and Modern Greek and is conversant in Italian.